Tips for Liberty®
Spray Tip Recommendations for the Application of Liberty 280® and Liberty Ultra® Herbicide
Liberty® Herbicide provides excellent weed control for all LibertyLink® crops, which includes corn, soybeans, cotton, and canola. This broad-spectrum herbicide provides control of both broadleaf weeds and grasses, including palmer amaranth, water hemp, kochia, ragweed, and marestail.
Liberty® ULTRA herbicide, Powered by Glu-L™ Technology, is the next-generation glufosinate herbicide for the next-generation grower.
- (TT) Turbo TeeJet
Produces coarse (C) to medium (M) droplets across a wide pressure range (15-90 PSI) with a 15-degree attack angle for improved canopy penetration. - (TTJ60) Turbo TwinJet
Produces coarse (C) to medium (M) droplets across a wide pressure range (20-90 PSI). The Turbo TwinJet® design delivers superior coverage and reduces spray drift. - (AIXR) Air Induction XR
Engineered for exceptional drift control and coverage, ideal for minimizing drift while maintaining optimal spray patterns, even at lower pressures. Produces ultra coarse (UC) to medium (M) droplets across a wide pressure range (15-90 PSI). - (AITTJ60) Air Induction Turbo TwinJet
Features air induction TwinJet® spray technology, producing ultra coarse (UC) to coarse (C) droplets across a wide pressure range (20-90 PSI). Offers superior coverage and drift reduction, ensuring optimal crop protection and PWM approval.
- Non-selective herbicide for control of grasses and broadleaf weeds in Liberty tolerant corn, soybeans, cotton, and canola.
- Apply when weeds are smaller than 3” tall.
- Use a ground speed of 15 MPH or less.
- Spray Water Volume: Minimum 15 GPA; 20 GPA preferred.
- For Liberty or Liberty ULTRA solo applications, use spray tips such as TT or TTJ60 to achieve medium (M) to coarse (C) droplet sizes for optimal coverage and performance.
- For tank mixtures of Liberty and Enlist One® or Liberty ULTRA and Enlist One* herbicides, use air-induction spray tips such as AIXR to minimize spray drift. When operating PWM systems, opt for AITTJ60 spray tips for optimal performance. The addition of 1.5-3 lbs/acre AMS is recommended.
* Liberty ULTRA + Enlist One tank mix requires an approved MSO or HSMOC product. Please check the website for the most recent updates.
Always double check your application rates. Tabulations are based on spraying water at 70°F (21°C). Droplet size classifications are in accordance with ISO Standard 25358 at the date of release. Classifications are subject to change.