TeeJet® Technologies

TeeJet® Technologies

Spray Application and Precision Farming Products

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AccuPulse® TwinJet®

The first spray tip designed specifically for use with PWM sprayer controls, offering maximum drift control.

DynaJet Valve and Nozzle Body

DynaJet® Nozzle Control System

Consistent drop size, spray quality, and performance require DynaJet.

Matrix® 908 Field Computer

The TeeJet Matrix® 908 is an all-new field computer with expandable options to appeal to any agricultural application.


Electromagnetic Flow Meters

The innovative clean-sheet design contains no moving parts which means no service or maintenance requirements and has no risk of clogging.


SpraySelect App

SpraySelect allows you to quickly and easily choose the proper spray tip for your application.

Liberty Herbicides

Tips for Liberty®

Spray Tip Recommendations for the Application of Liberty 280® and Liberty Ultra® Herbicide

Support (card image)


Precision farming support manuals, software, and technical updates.

Trade Shows

Trade Shows

Discover what's new from TeeJet Technologies.

Spray Solutions

Spraying Solutions

Optimize chemical efficacy and minimize waste.

Concerned about drift? Require excellent canopy coverage? Need excellent distribution over a wide range of pressures? Our fluid delivery products are designed to deliver the precise performance you need.

Precision Farming Solutions

Precision Farming Solutions

Interested in increasing your productivity and profitability?

Our wide range of precision farming products can help you save time, reduce fatigue, control your input costs and maximize yields.

Stories From The Field

Stories From The Field

Our MATRIX 908 field computer was designed by farmers for farmers.

We collaborated with farmers from across the globe to address their top concerns and their feedback laid the foundation for the all new Matrix 908.